That is in fact the guilty parties shadow cast on the board next to the woman.
As I re-enter the room Zora shouts out “Otis drew a gina (vagina) on the park!!” Otis starts trying not to smile and giggling. At this point I ask did you? Or course followed by more laughing and “mama I just like to smile!” talk. This is the child who built an x-ray machine out of an empty box and a tennis ball tube. Then drew several pictures of vaginas that looked like a circle with the diameter marked from the center. Can you see it? Put the pieces of paper inside the box and would call people over to say, “Look the x-ray machine is printing something out!!” As you reached for the “copy” he’d laugh and laugh “it’s a vagina AGAIN!!!” Vagina’s are so funny for Otis right now , the more I try to tell him that he shouldn’t be drawing vagina’s the more he is drawn to do it. This brings me to the private embarrassing story Danny told me about his little brother. When his younger brother was around eight to ten he drew a picture of a person with boobs and a penis, he wrote “MR.NeeNee.” This got passed around to all the siblings, Danny and his older brother would be at the dinner table and say “hey why don’t you tell mom about Mr.NeeNee.” They teased him to no end until finally mom found it and laughed at it anyway. Danny still laughs to tears when talking about Mr.NeeNee, he’s a grown man. So I’m a bit concerned that all this silliness is going to go on for far too many years for my mental health. God bless America finding my six year old watching my daughter sleep with large eyes saying “I just have to look at her vagina so I know how to draw it!!” So much giggling I find myself fighting back giggling. So today we were at a park with a lot of other kids, I sat and chatted, sewed, and talked to other parents. During this time Oatie found some pens and pencils and began drawing on park equipment. That’s right folks, vandalizing park stuff. So Otis didn’t just draw a vagina, he drew a whole woman with huge boobs and nipples. I took him back to the park to wash it off; of course it didn’t even fade at the hands of Mrs. Meyers and a rag. I chuckled to myself; he drew it on the kiddie equipment in a gentrified upper crust st.paul neighborhood. The shock on their keened feet and khaki shorts will be priceless. The big smile the woman is wearing is classic it just screams “I’m so friendly and naked!” We came home and had a talk about how that was vandalism and that’s not okay, it would be like tearing up a library book. Super serious important stuff was really considered and he seemed to get it. There is a graffiti artist here that’s moniker is “boob poop” I’m assuming this person is old enough to get large amounts of spray paint and stay out late. So over fifteen right, that the age you can sort of roam free? If I don’t nip this in the bud now its spray paint and Wutang clan at loud volumes. So we get home and I show Danny the pictures alone in the kitchen and we chuckle, sharing in our own silliness about it. Then Danny looks at me all serious and says “it looks like you lying on your back!” and starts laughing to tears. I’m surrounded by children.
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