I just wanted to add a note about this day , every year we built traps for those silly little leprechauns and every year they out smart us! Oats and Hammy took two empty oatmeal containers and made some fancy traps even. While struggling to get out one leprechaun lost a shoe , he had to leave it behind and some wonderful golden chocolate coins. What a good sport they were this year.
We went to the big parade downtown and to landmark center for the Irish dancing , story telling , crafting and people watching.
Home for our corned beef and cabbage!
As the years go by with homeschooling it gets easier because I remember where to go and what to do. The two st.patrick's before this were a rush to find the right crafts to do the stories to tell and this year I went to bed early and let Danny organize everything!
Danny sewed that little shoe out of scraps of leather I had , pretty good for not sewing too much! He carved a walking stick too but I can't find it now!
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